
Termat në Anglish

1.INOVATION(shpikje)-introduction of something new: change new method or practice..Synonyms (invention, excogitation, founding)

2.PROMOTION(avancim,ngritje)-advancement, furthering, encouragement activity that supports or encourages. The action of raising someone to a higher position or rank. Antonym(demotion)

3. PUBLIC SECTOR-The section of the economy under government control;The part of an economy that is controlled by the state.

4.SUBORDINATE(vartës,nënrënditës,I nënshtruar)- One who is subservient someone under the authority of another;Place an a position of lesser importance.

*Planning(setting objectives)
*Integrating(motivating and communicating)
*Measuring performance
*Developing people

6.THEORY X- Assumes that most people are incapable of taking esponsibility for themselves and have to be looked after. It is the rather pessimistic approach to workers and working, which assumes that people are lazy and will avoid work and responsibility if they can.The concept that basically are workshire,lazy,manipulative and will only work under threats and punishment.

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