
Termat në Anglish 5

7.THEORY Y- Assumes that most people have psychological need to work. It is belived that employes enjoy their mental and physical work duties. A theory y manager belives that, given the right condition most people will want to do well at work.

8.JOB SECURITY- Is probability that
 an individual will keep his or her job.

9.WAGES(rrogë,page,pagesë)- Compensation for work; just reword recompense.;Money paid(per hour or day or week) to manual workers.

10.UNSKILLED(pa përvojë, I pakualifikuar)- Untrained, inexpert,amateur without any particular abilities acquired by training.

11.JOB ROTATION- is a management technique that assigns trainees to various jobs and departments over a period of a few years.

12.HIEARCHY OR CHAIN OF COMMAND- (System in which persons or things are arranged one above the other according to rank);(group which governs);(the organization of the people at different ranks in an administrative body);(chain of command order of authority form highest to lowest)-Line authority- People in order of power, chain of sommand.The power to give instructions to people at the level below in the chain of command.

13.WIKINOMICS(from wiki, the Hawalian word for quick,and economics) This means collaborating with people outside the traditional corporate structure,letting people around the world cooperate to improve an operation or solve a problem.

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