
Termat në Anglish 3

32.RETURN ON EQUITY- The amount of money a company earns on the investment of It’s shearholders.

33.COMPULSORY(I detyrueshëm)Synonyms: (mandatory, required) Obligatory,enjoined by authority,necessary,due to compulsion.

34.QUOTA(pjesë,kuotë;sasi e caktuar;numër I lejuar)- Maximum quantity;upper limit;limited quantity,restricted amount.

35.COMPLIANCE(pëlqimi,pajtimi,lëshim;nënshtruar,bindje)- the act adhering to, and demonstrating adherence to, a standard or regulation.

36.APPRENTICES(nxënës-në zanat;fillestar,praktikant)- A person learning a trade from a skilled employer.

37.CONVERT(shkëmbej)- (Give one thing in return for another);(replace one thing with another,trade,burter); Synonym(exchange,cahnge) ex: convert money

38.THE PRIMARY SECTOR- Includes agriculture and the extraction of raw materials from the earth.

39.THE SECONDARY SECTOR- Includes manufacturing industry in which raw materials are turned into finished products.

40.THE TERTIARY SECTOR- Includes the commercial services that help industry produce and distribute goods to their final consumers, as well as activities such as education,health care,leisure,tourism and so on.

41.REAL ESTATE- Permanent lands and the attached buildings

42.LABOUR(punë)(work done in return for money);(work especially hard physical work) Synonym (toil)

43.INVENTORY- Is a company reserves of raw materials parts work in process, and finished products. 

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